Friday, December 9, 2011

the life of the buddha

Lesson 1
The Sauddhodana is King. He maried a beautiful Koliyan Princess named Maha Maya.he ruling in Sakya’s a warrior tribe living next Maha Maya was equally good everyone in the Kingdom loved them.Koliyan Pirncess. The Queen had a dream she felt her self being carried away by four Devas (Angel).The Queen told the king about the dream t The king was puzzled and so he sent for some wise manen and asked them the meaning of the dream. The wise man said”Your Majesty, you are very lucky the Devas have chosen our Queen as the Mother of the purest One and the child will become a very great being.They were so pleased that they invited many of the noblemen in the country to the palace to a feast and to tell them the good news Even the needy were not forgotten. Food and clothes were given to the poor people.
 Lesson 2
The Queen was expecting her child and so she went to the King and said”My dear I have to go back to my parents. My baby is about due now. Since it was the custom in India to have her baby in her fatheer’s house The King them sent soldiers a head to clear the road and some were retained to guard the queen as she was carried in a decorated palaquin.The Queen left Kapilavatthu in a long procession of soldiers and retainers.for capital of her father’s Kingdom. On the way to the Koliya Country, they passed a garden called Lambini Park. The beautiful park with its trees and scented flowers and busy birds and bees attrected the queen The park was agood resting place.
 The Queen ordered the  bearers to stop there for a while.She rested underneath one of the Sla trees. Her baby boy was born.I was an auspicious day. The birth took place on a Vesak full moon day, in the year 623 B.C According to the legends about this Birth. The baby began to walk seven steps forward and at each step. A lotus flower appeared on the ground where has foot should have been. Another legend tells us that the baby said
 “I am the chiefs in the world  
There is no equal to me 
I am supreme
This is my last birth
No, Rebirth for me.
His real name was Kala Devala but people usually call him  Asita the sage. He had heard that the king then had a son:He was very happy because this was the first time a child was born to the King He went to see the Kings son. The king wasa very happy to see his wise old teacher again. In the palace. After the stage was seated. The king brought the prince before the sage and said. Teacher my son was born only Yesterday Here he is .  please see if his future will be good.As the king said this he lowered the infant Prince before the sage so that the might examine him propeerly. The baby turned his feet on the sage’s head.Asita took hold of the baby’s feet examined very carefully. He saw some marks on the princes feet.This prince will become a very sage was very pleased Everyone was happy and pleased to know of the sages pridiction The King invited five wise men to witness.The naming ceremony and to suggested a good name for the Prince. The youngest of the five wise men called Kondanna said ‘This prince will be the buddha and nothing else. Then the wise men game him the same Siddhartha meaning “wish-fulfilled.
The King had another queen called Prajapati Gotami. She was the younger Sister of queen Maha Maya. His  teacher was called Sarva Mitra.Prince Siddhartha learn languages, reading, writing, mathematics, History, Geography science and many others. He learn all the subjects faster than any other pupil in his class.He was the eleverest in the class and best everything. Because he is very handsome boy wisest and the only one who asked many questions from his teachers. He is a great person. He was a friead even to animals and never harmed them.
Prince Siddhartha was very kinfd to people, animals and other living things.One day he was wwalking in the woods with his cousin Devadatta who had his bow and arrows with him, Suddently Devatta saw a swan flying and shot at it. Both the boys ran to get the swan. As Siddhartha could run faster than Devadatta. He reached the bird first and found to his surprise that the swan was still alive. So he gently pulled out the arrow from the wing. A life certainly must belong to him who tries to save it. A life cannot belong to one who is only trying to destroy it. The wounded swan by right belongs to Siddhartha
Prince Siddhartha finished his stidies very soon. He had the best teachers to learn from the best friends to play with the best house to live in the best clothes to wear and the best food to eat.His father had built him three palaces one for each day the king asked some wise people. What shall I do to make my son hapy.They said Now your son is sixteen years old. Shall we getv a baeutiful girl for him to many. Kimg agreed and sent for all the baeutiful girl in the country to come to the palace when all of them  come the king asked the prince to choose one to be his wife Among them there was a most charming and kind girl by the name of Yasodara. When Prince Siddartha gave her a present more valuable than what he had given to the other maidens. The king saw that the prince had chosen his love. The King happily accepted Yasodhara and allowed his son to marry her.

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