Saturday, December 10, 2011

LESSON 23-24
Prince Nanda was the step brother of the Prince Siddhartha. The King wished to have all these festivals on the same day and waited for the Buddha to return to Kapilavatthu and bless.Nanda and Janapada Kalyani. The third day after Buddha’s return to Kapilavatthu he made all the arrangements for the festivals and invited the Buddha to attend the wedding.Nanda began to follow the Buddha teaching very carefully and in short time he realize The truth of life destroying all kinds of desires and became so wise and holy. He followed the Buddha when he knew it. On the day that Prince Rahula was born and now that he is already seven years old. Rahula wanted to be a king but the Buddha wanted him also to be a monk. And when the king heard this he felt unhappy and he said to his son that don’t ordain anybody without the parent’s permission and the Buddha agreed and never ordained anybody.
Young kolita and upatissa decided to leave home in order to seek greater happiness than watching a drama. About this time there was staying near Rajagaha a famous religious teacher called sanjaya. These two close  friend went to him to seek advise sometimes they were not satisfied at all with teaching and stopped going to him. They asked to be tought the way of deathlessness. And they promised each other to find the truth of life. When was in the main street, he saw ascetic that looks perfect and calm. Upatissa thought that he knew everything and think that wish he had found the truth of life. When upatissa explained to him he got it., kolita too realize the truth of life and both of them went to see the Buddha. In short time the Buddha made, them his chief disciples. Sariputass wisdom and Mogallana’s miraculous power are well known in Buddha history.
The Buddha daily routine was divided into five parts such as forenoon session 4:00 am to 12:00 noon he meditates, he used his mental eye to find people who need help. And them with his disciples they ge begged for food and in the afternoon from 12:00 noon to 6:00pm. All monks were going to ask and the Buddha answered all their question, in the first watch from 6:00pm to 10:00pm monks will to the preach of the Buddha .in the middle watch from 10:00pm to 2:00am the deras also listen to buddhas preach.only the Buddha who can see it. And the last watch 2:00am to 4:00am he walks up and down, he sleeps and when he gets up he continued to meditate .
There was a boy name sopata his mother named anotherman that has a very unkind attitude. When his stepfather talked to him in a nicely way to felt surprised. His stepfather took him in the cemetery and left him alone.when he felt scared the sweet and calm voice talked to him is mother asked the Buddha if her son is safe and the Buddha said he is safe he became a follower of the Buddha. 

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