Friday, December 9, 2011

 This time, too, wearing the clothes of noblemen the prince and channa went out from the palace walking in many parts of Kapilavatthu. Then saw a few people coming along the street crying while four men at  the back were crying a plant on which a very thin man lay flat and still why does that man liethere so still allowing these people to burn him up? He is dead.” Replied channa and every one has to be dead like that man?All living things must die someday. No one can stop from coming.The prince was shocked and surprised and he could not say anything more. He went home in silence and began to think in this own rom in the palace the whole day. O There must be a way to stop it. I must find it out and help the whole world.
When he visited the city for the fourth time, in a garden the prince saw a happy man wearing an orange coloured robe. Who is this man wearing an orange coloured dress that is a monk”said channa. He live in the temple goes from house to house for his food and goes from place to place teling people how to be happy and how to be good he retrning to the palace from the garden he passed the rom of one of the princesses called Kisagotomi She was so taken in by the young handsome prince that he said.O! How happy and cool must be the mother and father, and the wife of such a handsome young prince as he passed this woman. He heard this and thought to himself that everybody would be Happier if they knew what real and selfish happiness were.
The king arranged a grand dinner and dance for the prince to celebrate the birth of his grandson. He invited the best dancers snd singers in the country. For this. The prince was very tired and soon fell asleep.Sometime later that night the prince got up and was so shocked and unhappy to see these people.He got up quietly from the room as he did not want to wake any of the dncing girls and called his faithful servant, channa to saddle his favorite white horse, Kanthaka to go out on a long journey. Channa was getting ready the prince was see his new born son for the first time in his life.His wife was sleeping with the baby beside her.If  try by moving her hand to see my son’s face. I fear.I may wake her.I must go without seing my son’s face this time. Then quitly he went out of the palace at midnight on his while horse Kanthaka with Channa, His faithful servant. But the prince tols channa to go back the palace and wait for her and tell her my father, mother, wife, son and everybody in the world.The horse looked very sad.Tears rolled down from its eyes. It kept its eyes fixed at the prince for a few moments.Later. the horse died of soorow.
From the anoma river, dressed asabeggar, the young prince wondered from place to place.People began to call him ‘Sage’ some called him’Ascetic’ and some called Him ‘Ascetic Gotama, but nobody called him ‘Prince Siddhartha’ anymore. He did not ask people to give him anything. But people were very happy and pleased to put some food into his bowl.Bimbisara is a king he heard the name ‘Gotama’ at once he knew that prince was the son of king Suddhodana, his friend. Why do you do this? Have you quarrelled with your father? Why do you go about like this? Stay here and I shall give you half of my kingdom.Thank you very much,Sir,I love my parents, my wife, my son, you and everybody. I want to find out away to stop old age, sickness, worries and death. Therefore I am going thus. Said Ascetic Gotama anf off went.
Prince Siddhartha has five of his friends. One of them was Koondanna, the young wise Bhaddiya, Wappa, Mahanama and  Assaji. They too were wearing orange coloured robes and went from place to place begging for food. At time in India there were many religious teachers. The best and well known one was Alara Kalama. Ascetic Gotama went with five friends to study under him. Ascetic Gotama left him with his band of five friends. They wondered all over the country practicing what they had learnt.I cannot for I do not know that myself. So how can I teach you that. There is none in the world who know this. At last they heard of another greath teacher who was famous for his cleverness. He was called Uddaka. Once again Ascetic Gotama was very disappointed and left Uddaka with his five friends and made up his mind to struggle by himself very hard until he found the cause of all the sufferings of life.
After leaving Uddaka, Ascetic Gotama and his five friends wandered from place to place as before.He practice fasting he suffered terrible pain and hunger He continued to meditate  but still he did not know anything new. For six long years he did al these practice and in spite of the great pain and suffering he did not find out anything.His body look like a skeleton all bones without any flesh. In the not summer he stayed indoors at night and in the burning sun in the day time.In the cold winter at midnight he used to dip himself in the icy cold water and stay for a long time. This was to torture his body and mind even more and suffer  even more than ever .He finally thought that this was not the way to find out wisdom. Soon he began to take more milk and food and built up his body.When the five friends saw that felt disappointed and left him alone.
This young and beautiful lady’s name was Sujata. In a village called Senani. there lived a young, very beautiful and rich girl who wanted to marry and have a son. She waited for many years and she was not successful. The people told her that she must go to Banyan tree near Nerenjara river and ask the tree-God to give her a husband and a lovely son. Talking with them the delicious milk-rice both of them the went towards the Banyan tree. Sujata was so surprised and exited to see her tree-God himself. Who was so handsome-looking so serene. Sitting and meditating.While she was putting the delicious milk-rice in his bowl she said.”May you be successful in obtaining your wishes as I have been. Ascetic Gotama ate the food and then with the empty bowl in his hand, crossed the river Neranjara on the way to Gaya.
In the evening after Sujata’s lovely meal he went to Gaya and looked for a suitable place to sit down and meditate. He sat under atree called the Bodhi tree with his face to the east and made an earnest wish with very strong determination. So he practiced of concentration(does thinking) of breathing  out on this Wesak Full Moon eve. During this period of concentration on the breathing in and breathing out to his mind. Desire for worldly things, dislike for a holy pure and good life, hunger and trust, He became more calm and brave and continued his concentration.At last he destroyed all these thoughts during the earlier part of the night and got the power of seeing his own past lives. In the second part of the night he got the power of seeing death of living beings and their rebirth and in the third night in the following morning he got the power of understanding the cause of all evil and how to get rid of them all the answer and question on her mind for so many years were then found. He knew how to end sorrow unhappiness, suffering, oldage and death.He also found out the real happiness and freedom. He knew everything more than. Man could ever know and he became perfects. 

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