Saturday, December 10, 2011

Angulimala was born and said to be a bondit. When he finished his education, his teacher wanted him to pay a tuition fee by not paying cash but a thousand of a right-hand human fingers. In a jungle were he hides, he waits for the passers by and he killed them who passed there. He become a cruel and unkind person. His mother will go to the jungle to changed her son but she also thought that she would be killed by her son he had killed 999 people only one person is needed and even it is her to compute what he did . when his mother entered the jungle but with Buddha he ordained him. He become a good man with a minute.                                                  
There was a young man who loved the Buddha so much kept on admiring the buddhas appearance, his coluor and his handsomeness . wakkali followed him like his own shadow and kept one  admiring him. Buddha had an invitation from a man to spend three months in rajagaha.wakali also tried to follow the Buddha. The Buddha saw his minds eye wakali about to jump for the vulture peak and thougth when wakali saw the image of Buddha his sorrow vanished. Then the mind of mind of him filled with joy, happiness and peace.

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