Saturday, December 10, 2011

;Lady payacara was a sixteen years old. Her parents arrangement to marry her son of millionaire. And she wanted to escape. They live in a far place and when she wanted to give birth, she wanted it to be happen in their house. But her husband didn’t agree. The lady went away.she hive birth to a son and returned her to their house , house of her husband.when it has a heavy rain, she wanted to give birth to a child. When she needs leaves o make shed for her husband find it for her but he died when the snake bite him. Pataraca waited for her husband to came along but even a shadow of him didn’t show. She handly taking  care of her children without sleeping.when sshe cross acirawati her younger child catch by a hawk. And when she said “su-su”her older child thought that he was called so that he come nearer till he fell into the water . pataraca was very sad and a man talked to him no sooner she fell on the ground and brought at jetawana where her and the Buddha consoled her in a calm and wonderful voice until she wanted to be ordain.
Angulimala was born and said to be a bondit. When he finished his education, his teacher wanted him to pay a tuition fee by not paying cash but a thousand of a right-hand human fingers. In a jungle were he hides, he waits for the passers by and he killed them who passed there. He become a cruel and unkind person. His mother will go to the jungle to changed her son but she also thought that she would be killed by her son he had killed 999 people only one person is needed and even it is her to compute what he did . when his mother entered the jungle but with Buddha he ordained him. He become a good man with a minute.                                                  

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