Saturday, December 10, 2011

Angulimala was born and said to be a bondit. When he finished his education, his teacher wanted him to pay a tuition fee by not paying cash but a thousand of a right-hand human fingers. In a jungle were he hides, he waits for the passers by and he killed them who passed there. He become a cruel and unkind person. His mother will go to the jungle to changed her son but she also thought that she would be killed by her son he had killed 999 people only one person is needed and even it is her to compute what he did . when his mother entered the jungle but with Buddha he ordained him. He become a good man with a minute.                                                  
There was a young man who loved the Buddha so much kept on admiring the buddhas appearance, his coluor and his handsomeness . wakkali followed him like his own shadow and kept one  admiring him. Buddha had an invitation from a man to spend three months in rajagaha.wakali also tried to follow the Buddha. The Buddha saw his minds eye wakali about to jump for the vulture peak and thougth when wakali saw the image of Buddha his sorrow vanished. Then the mind of mind of him filled with joy, happiness and peace.
Angulimala was born and said to be a bondit. When he finished his education, his teacher wanted him to pay a tuition fee by not paying cash but a thousand of a right-hand human fingers. In a jungle were he hides, he waits for the passers by and he killed them who passed there. He become a cruel and unkind person. His mother will go to the jungle to changed her son but she also thought that she would be killed by her son he had killed 999 people only one person is needed and even it is her to compute what he did . when his mother entered the jungle but with Buddha he ordained him. He become a good man with a minute.                                                  
There was a young man who loved the Buddha so much kept on admiring the buddhas appearance, his coluor and his handsomeness . wakkali followed him like his own shadow and kept one  admiring him. Buddha had an invitation from a man to spend three months in rajagaha.wakali also tried to follow the Buddha. The Buddha saw his minds eye wakali about to jump for the vulture peak and thougth when wakali saw the image of Buddha his sorrow vanished. Then the mind of mind of him filled with joy, happiness and peace.

;Lady payacara was a sixteen years old. Her parents arrangement to marry her son of millionaire. And she wanted to escape. They live in a far place and when she wanted to give birth, she wanted it to be happen in their house. But her husband didn’t agree. The lady went away.she hive birth to a son and returned her to their house , house of her husband.when it has a heavy rain, she wanted to give birth to a child. When she needs leaves o make shed for her husband find it for her but he died when the snake bite him. Pataraca waited for her husband to came along but even a shadow of him didn’t show. She handly taking  care of her children without sleeping.when sshe cross acirawati her younger child catch by a hawk. And when she said “su-su”her older child thought that he was called so that he come nearer till he fell into the water . pataraca was very sad and a man talked to him no sooner she fell on the ground and brought at jetawana where her and the Buddha consoled her in a calm and wonderful voice until she wanted to be ordain.
Angulimala was born and said to be a bondit. When he finished his education, his teacher wanted him to pay a tuition fee by not paying cash but a thousand of a right-hand human fingers. In a jungle were he hides, he waits for the passers by and he killed them who passed there. He become a cruel and unkind person. His mother will go to the jungle to changed her son but she also thought that she would be killed by her son he had killed 999 people only one person is needed and even it is her to compute what he did . when his mother entered the jungle but with Buddha he ordained him. He become a good man with a minute.                                                  

LESSON 23-24
Prince Nanda was the step brother of the Prince Siddhartha. The King wished to have all these festivals on the same day and waited for the Buddha to return to Kapilavatthu and bless.Nanda and Janapada Kalyani. The third day after Buddha’s return to Kapilavatthu he made all the arrangements for the festivals and invited the Buddha to attend the wedding.Nanda began to follow the Buddha teaching very carefully and in short time he realize The truth of life destroying all kinds of desires and became so wise and holy. He followed the Buddha when he knew it. On the day that Prince Rahula was born and now that he is already seven years old. Rahula wanted to be a king but the Buddha wanted him also to be a monk. And when the king heard this he felt unhappy and he said to his son that don’t ordain anybody without the parent’s permission and the Buddha agreed and never ordained anybody.
Young kolita and upatissa decided to leave home in order to seek greater happiness than watching a drama. About this time there was staying near Rajagaha a famous religious teacher called sanjaya. These two close  friend went to him to seek advise sometimes they were not satisfied at all with teaching and stopped going to him. They asked to be tought the way of deathlessness. And they promised each other to find the truth of life. When was in the main street, he saw ascetic that looks perfect and calm. Upatissa thought that he knew everything and think that wish he had found the truth of life. When upatissa explained to him he got it., kolita too realize the truth of life and both of them went to see the Buddha. In short time the Buddha made, them his chief disciples. Sariputass wisdom and Mogallana’s miraculous power are well known in Buddha history.
The Buddha daily routine was divided into five parts such as forenoon session 4:00 am to 12:00 noon he meditates, he used his mental eye to find people who need help. And them with his disciples they ge begged for food and in the afternoon from 12:00 noon to 6:00pm. All monks were going to ask and the Buddha answered all their question, in the first watch from 6:00pm to 10:00pm monks will to the preach of the Buddha .in the middle watch from 10:00pm to 2:00am the deras also listen to buddhas preach.only the Buddha who can see it. And the last watch 2:00am to 4:00am he walks up and down, he sleeps and when he gets up he continued to meditate .
There was a boy name sopata his mother named anotherman that has a very unkind attitude. When his stepfather talked to him in a nicely way to felt surprised. His stepfather took him in the cemetery and left him alone.when he felt scared the sweet and calm voice talked to him is mother asked the Buddha if her son is safe and the Buddha said he is safe he became a follower of the Buddha. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

LESSON 17-18
And third, he got the power to understand the cause of all evil and how to avoid it. And now he already know now to stop the problems. He become perfect. In seven weeks after the enlightenment he sat under the Bodhi tree. He laked at the tree without moving his eyes. He made Golden bridge in the air to prove to the Devas that he riched to the enlightenment. He used the bridge to go up and down in the air. In the fourth weeks after the enlightenment he sat under the Bodhi tree.  He laked at the tree without moving his eyes. He  made Golden bridge in the air to prove to the Devas that he riched the enlightenment . He used the bridge to go up and down in the air. In the fourth week, he created a jeweled chamber. The six colors which are blue for confidence, yellow for holiness, White for purity, red for wisdom,orange for desirelessness and the mixed colour represented all these very noble qualities. And the rays that comes out to his body. In the fifth week, three girls danced in seductive  and charming manner but still her  is in deep  meditation  so they left  him. And then the Buddha came to the other tree called Mucalinda. He meditated here even though it is raining. The cobra King use his body to protect the Buddha and then be became a man, respected the Buddha In his seventh week, he meditating under the tree of Rajayatana tree. His first followers were Tapussa and Bhallika. Buddha wandered again to go to “Deer Park”where his five friends stayed. He wanted to teach them what he had found. When he came nearer to them they prepared seat for him and then the Buddha said that he found the way to death lessness. And then be he Advised to practice the noble truth and the four NOBLE TRUTH.
Yasa is a son of a millionaire and he wanted to be a monk as what the Buddha did to him. Then the Buddha told the man that his son had become a Bhikkhu and He began to explain his teaching to the new Bhikkhu’s father. The father also asked to be his follower. The Buddha made him his follower. Yasa had fifty-four friends when they heard the preaching of the Buddha they also told that they wanted to become monks like Yasa. The Buddha agreed and made them monks.  Then they become the follower of Buddha.
Uravela Kassapa, Nadi Kassapa, and Gaya Kassapa are the three brothers lived on the bank of the river. Uravela Kassapa’s hut where the Buddha have to spend the night in the Kitchen where the serpent king is. Uravela Kappa worried that he could be harmed by the serpent but in the next morning he found the Buddha alive and he sat down with his deep meditation. Then he became follower and too his brothers followed him. And all the thousand of these brothers also became Buddhists.
LESSON 21-22
When the Buddha returned home, he showed a miracle “Twin miracle” to show that he is enlightened. The next day, he begged for food door to door but the King didn’t understand why he had to do it then begged his son to take food inside the palace. After taking his meal he went to Yasodhara’s room. Yasodhara were a yellow robes as what the Buddha were and she pay respect to him and the king told him that whatever she heard about what he did she also did. And the Buddha said that evenm in her previous birth she is really faithful to him.
LESSON 23-24
Prince Nanda was the step brother of the Prince Siddhartha. The King wished to have all these festivals on the same day and waited for the Buddha to return to Kapilavatthu and bless.Nanda and Janapada Kalyani. The third day after Buddha’s return to Kapilavatthu he made all the arrangements for the festivals and invited the Buddha to attend the wedding.Nanda began to follow the Buddha teaching very carefully and in short time he realize The truth of life destroying all kinds of desires and became so wise and holy. He followed the Buddha when he knew it. On the day that Prince Rahula was born and now that he is already seven years old.                                                                                    
 This time, too, wearing the clothes of noblemen the prince and channa went out from the palace walking in many parts of Kapilavatthu. Then saw a few people coming along the street crying while four men at  the back were crying a plant on which a very thin man lay flat and still why does that man liethere so still allowing these people to burn him up? He is dead.” Replied channa and every one has to be dead like that man?All living things must die someday. No one can stop from coming.The prince was shocked and surprised and he could not say anything more. He went home in silence and began to think in this own rom in the palace the whole day. O There must be a way to stop it. I must find it out and help the whole world.
When he visited the city for the fourth time, in a garden the prince saw a happy man wearing an orange coloured robe. Who is this man wearing an orange coloured dress that is a monk”said channa. He live in the temple goes from house to house for his food and goes from place to place teling people how to be happy and how to be good he retrning to the palace from the garden he passed the rom of one of the princesses called Kisagotomi She was so taken in by the young handsome prince that he said.O! How happy and cool must be the mother and father, and the wife of such a handsome young prince as he passed this woman. He heard this and thought to himself that everybody would be Happier if they knew what real and selfish happiness were.
The king arranged a grand dinner and dance for the prince to celebrate the birth of his grandson. He invited the best dancers snd singers in the country. For this. The prince was very tired and soon fell asleep.Sometime later that night the prince got up and was so shocked and unhappy to see these people.He got up quietly from the room as he did not want to wake any of the dncing girls and called his faithful servant, channa to saddle his favorite white horse, Kanthaka to go out on a long journey. Channa was getting ready the prince was see his new born son for the first time in his life.His wife was sleeping with the baby beside her.If  try by moving her hand to see my son’s face. I fear.I may wake her.I must go without seing my son’s face this time. Then quitly he went out of the palace at midnight on his while horse Kanthaka with Channa, His faithful servant. But the prince tols channa to go back the palace and wait for her and tell her my father, mother, wife, son and everybody in the world.The horse looked very sad.Tears rolled down from its eyes. It kept its eyes fixed at the prince for a few moments.Later. the horse died of soorow.
From the anoma river, dressed asabeggar, the young prince wondered from place to place.People began to call him ‘Sage’ some called him’Ascetic’ and some called Him ‘Ascetic Gotama, but nobody called him ‘Prince Siddhartha’ anymore. He did not ask people to give him anything. But people were very happy and pleased to put some food into his bowl.Bimbisara is a king he heard the name ‘Gotama’ at once he knew that prince was the son of king Suddhodana, his friend. Why do you do this? Have you quarrelled with your father? Why do you go about like this? Stay here and I shall give you half of my kingdom.Thank you very much,Sir,I love my parents, my wife, my son, you and everybody. I want to find out away to stop old age, sickness, worries and death. Therefore I am going thus. Said Ascetic Gotama anf off went.
Prince Siddhartha has five of his friends. One of them was Koondanna, the young wise Bhaddiya, Wappa, Mahanama and  Assaji. They too were wearing orange coloured robes and went from place to place begging for food. At time in India there were many religious teachers. The best and well known one was Alara Kalama. Ascetic Gotama went with five friends to study under him. Ascetic Gotama left him with his band of five friends. They wondered all over the country practicing what they had learnt.I cannot for I do not know that myself. So how can I teach you that. There is none in the world who know this. At last they heard of another greath teacher who was famous for his cleverness. He was called Uddaka. Once again Ascetic Gotama was very disappointed and left Uddaka with his five friends and made up his mind to struggle by himself very hard until he found the cause of all the sufferings of life.
After leaving Uddaka, Ascetic Gotama and his five friends wandered from place to place as before.He practice fasting he suffered terrible pain and hunger He continued to meditate  but still he did not know anything new. For six long years he did al these practice and in spite of the great pain and suffering he did not find out anything.His body look like a skeleton all bones without any flesh. In the not summer he stayed indoors at night and in the burning sun in the day time.In the cold winter at midnight he used to dip himself in the icy cold water and stay for a long time. This was to torture his body and mind even more and suffer  even more than ever .He finally thought that this was not the way to find out wisdom. Soon he began to take more milk and food and built up his body.When the five friends saw that felt disappointed and left him alone.
This young and beautiful lady’s name was Sujata. In a village called Senani. there lived a young, very beautiful and rich girl who wanted to marry and have a son. She waited for many years and she was not successful. The people told her that she must go to Banyan tree near Nerenjara river and ask the tree-God to give her a husband and a lovely son. Talking with them the delicious milk-rice both of them the went towards the Banyan tree. Sujata was so surprised and exited to see her tree-God himself. Who was so handsome-looking so serene. Sitting and meditating.While she was putting the delicious milk-rice in his bowl she said.”May you be successful in obtaining your wishes as I have been. Ascetic Gotama ate the food and then with the empty bowl in his hand, crossed the river Neranjara on the way to Gaya.
In the evening after Sujata’s lovely meal he went to Gaya and looked for a suitable place to sit down and meditate. He sat under atree called the Bodhi tree with his face to the east and made an earnest wish with very strong determination. So he practiced of concentration(does thinking) of breathing  out on this Wesak Full Moon eve. During this period of concentration on the breathing in and breathing out to his mind. Desire for worldly things, dislike for a holy pure and good life, hunger and trust, He became more calm and brave and continued his concentration.At last he destroyed all these thoughts during the earlier part of the night and got the power of seeing his own past lives. In the second part of the night he got the power of seeing death of living beings and their rebirth and in the third night in the following morning he got the power of understanding the cause of all evil and how to get rid of them all the answer and question on her mind for so many years were then found. He knew how to end sorrow unhappiness, suffering, oldage and death.He also found out the real happiness and freedom. He knew everything more than. Man could ever know and he became perfects. 
After what he had done for the Prince the king was satisfied that his son would follow his footsteps and become a king later. He ordered a high wall to be built round the palace including the park.But the prince was not happy in this palace living like a prisoner. One day he told his father . Father, I must go out of the palace gate and see how other people live. Very well my Son,”said the king’ you shall go outside the palace wall to see how people live in city. The prince go out to palace and see the dirty old man in the city.The beggar dragged himself along the street paying no attention to all the gay people around him. He asked his driver.”That really Channa told the prince, that it was an old man but he was not  born like that. “When young he was like us and now due to his old age he has become like this.He told the prince to forget this man.But the prince to forget this man. But the prince was not satisfied.He could not sleep when the time came.He was in bed Thinking that one day everyone would grow old, grey, wrinkled,toothless and ugly like that old beggar.
The King, When he heard this story was very sad and worried and was thinking whether this would make his son leave the palace.So he told his attendants to put on more dances and dinners. But the prince begged his father to allow him to see Kapilavatthu on an ordinary day without the people being told of his vist.
The king very unwilling allowed the prince to visit the city. But he thouht it would not do any good trying to stop him now since it would only make him unhappy. He dressed up as young men from nble families because he did not want the people to know them. The prince looked at these simple common people. Everyone was very busy, happy and pleased in his work. Once again for the second time in his life something made him very sad.At once the prince, Being a very kind person, ran forward and carried the man and resting his head on his knee, patted the man and said,”What is wrong with you The sickman could not speak but only cry.O! My prince,”do not hold this man like that.This man is sick. His blood is poisoned .He has plague fever and it is burning all over the body and that  is why he is crying loudly without being ableb to speak. Everybody in this world. No one can stop it and it can happen any time. One may fall ill and suffer nmuch.” The prince was sasser this time and he returned to the palace and began to think 

the life of the buddha

Lesson 1
The Sauddhodana is King. He maried a beautiful Koliyan Princess named Maha Maya.he ruling in Sakya’s a warrior tribe living next Maha Maya was equally good everyone in the Kingdom loved them.Koliyan Pirncess. The Queen had a dream she felt her self being carried away by four Devas (Angel).The Queen told the king about the dream t The king was puzzled and so he sent for some wise manen and asked them the meaning of the dream. The wise man said”Your Majesty, you are very lucky the Devas have chosen our Queen as the Mother of the purest One and the child will become a very great being.They were so pleased that they invited many of the noblemen in the country to the palace to a feast and to tell them the good news Even the needy were not forgotten. Food and clothes were given to the poor people.
 Lesson 2
The Queen was expecting her child and so she went to the King and said”My dear I have to go back to my parents. My baby is about due now. Since it was the custom in India to have her baby in her fatheer’s house The King them sent soldiers a head to clear the road and some were retained to guard the queen as she was carried in a decorated palaquin.The Queen left Kapilavatthu in a long procession of soldiers and retainers.for capital of her father’s Kingdom. On the way to the Koliya Country, they passed a garden called Lambini Park. The beautiful park with its trees and scented flowers and busy birds and bees attrected the queen The park was agood resting place.
 The Queen ordered the  bearers to stop there for a while.She rested underneath one of the Sla trees. Her baby boy was born.I was an auspicious day. The birth took place on a Vesak full moon day, in the year 623 B.C According to the legends about this Birth. The baby began to walk seven steps forward and at each step. A lotus flower appeared on the ground where has foot should have been. Another legend tells us that the baby said
 “I am the chiefs in the world  
There is no equal to me 
I am supreme
This is my last birth
No, Rebirth for me.
His real name was Kala Devala but people usually call him  Asita the sage. He had heard that the king then had a son:He was very happy because this was the first time a child was born to the King He went to see the Kings son. The king wasa very happy to see his wise old teacher again. In the palace. After the stage was seated. The king brought the prince before the sage and said. Teacher my son was born only Yesterday Here he is .  please see if his future will be good.As the king said this he lowered the infant Prince before the sage so that the might examine him propeerly. The baby turned his feet on the sage’s head.Asita took hold of the baby’s feet examined very carefully. He saw some marks on the princes feet.This prince will become a very sage was very pleased Everyone was happy and pleased to know of the sages pridiction The King invited five wise men to witness.The naming ceremony and to suggested a good name for the Prince. The youngest of the five wise men called Kondanna said ‘This prince will be the buddha and nothing else. Then the wise men game him the same Siddhartha meaning “wish-fulfilled.
The King had another queen called Prajapati Gotami. She was the younger Sister of queen Maha Maya. His  teacher was called Sarva Mitra.Prince Siddhartha learn languages, reading, writing, mathematics, History, Geography science and many others. He learn all the subjects faster than any other pupil in his class.He was the eleverest in the class and best everything. Because he is very handsome boy wisest and the only one who asked many questions from his teachers. He is a great person. He was a friead even to animals and never harmed them.
Prince Siddhartha was very kinfd to people, animals and other living things.One day he was wwalking in the woods with his cousin Devadatta who had his bow and arrows with him, Suddently Devatta saw a swan flying and shot at it. Both the boys ran to get the swan. As Siddhartha could run faster than Devadatta. He reached the bird first and found to his surprise that the swan was still alive. So he gently pulled out the arrow from the wing. A life certainly must belong to him who tries to save it. A life cannot belong to one who is only trying to destroy it. The wounded swan by right belongs to Siddhartha
Prince Siddhartha finished his stidies very soon. He had the best teachers to learn from the best friends to play with the best house to live in the best clothes to wear and the best food to eat.His father had built him three palaces one for each day the king asked some wise people. What shall I do to make my son hapy.They said Now your son is sixteen years old. Shall we getv a baeutiful girl for him to many. Kimg agreed and sent for all the baeutiful girl in the country to come to the palace when all of them  come the king asked the prince to choose one to be his wife Among them there was a most charming and kind girl by the name of Yasodara. When Prince Siddartha gave her a present more valuable than what he had given to the other maidens. The king saw that the prince had chosen his love. The King happily accepted Yasodhara and allowed his son to marry her.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sociology and Anthropolgy

Name: Sobrio, Sherelyn W.                                                                                                                              Course/Sec:BEED-2A                                                                           Prof:Carla P. Garcia
            -The word sociology has been derived from two terms, logus, which means science or study ,and socius which means”group or partners”
-sociology deals with the sturdy of groups.
-sociology is the science of society and the social interactions taking place.
            -The word anthropology is taken from two greek words logos, which means study, or logia to study, and anthropos, which means man.
-deals with the scientific study of man, his works ,his body,his behavior and values, in time and space.
-As a science is ti strive to secure historical, sociological and psychological  laws, that describe the ovell trends or processes among the peoples of all prehistoric and historic periods.
3.Sociology/ Anthropolgy taken as subject
`           -Sociology and Anthropology have many similarities.both are recent as far as the social sciences are concerned. Both sciences attempt to understand. The way of  life of various cultures or various societies.
4.Differentiate Sociology from Anthropology.
            -The differentiateof Sociology is study of western civilizationand later, of advanced and contemporary societies. While Anthropology study of primitive or non-literate groups.

Name:Sobrio,Sherelyn W.
Course/Sec:BEED-2A                                                                       Prof. Carla P Garcia.

5.Why do you have to study the Anthropology and Sociology.
            -The sudy of sociology and Anthropology introduces us to various concepts and principles vital in our understanding of cultured and society.
            -Through the study of these two disciples, we are able to see ourselves as parts of a larger social pattern.
            -This study will make us understand better why people of different groups and culture behave the way they do.
            -It will give us the insight that our group is different from others through this,we may be led to respect the identity and unique nature of other groups and members of such groups.
            -A study of these two sciences will be helpful in promoting inter-ethic and cultural understanding.It can promote national unity and progress, and international understanding through the promotion and cross-cultural knowledge.