Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pepe Gallaga: another literary work

,,Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time.  

Writers have long been fascinated with the centuries of effort required to devise reliable clocks, and the attendant imposition of notions like "standard" time and the time-regulated workday. The recent intellectual fashion has been to depict the development of accurate timepieces not as a convenience, but as part of the plot to divest people of their mystic connection to the pretechnological rhythms of nature by substituting a regimented clock-consciousness that served the interests of the lords of commerce. Probably the best expression of this view is Ronald Wright's beguiling 1991 book Time Among the Maya, which implausibly, if captivatingly, depicts ancient Mayan culture as more human than Ours because the Mayans believed time was not linear (tick...tick...tick) but in some vague fashion "circular" (tick ... retick ... tick). In postmodern theory, the progression from timekeeping based on sundials to giant pendulums to water engines with thousands of pieces to cheap digital devices with no moving parts is one long horror story. [Not that any intellectual would want to be late to a symposium to enounce this view.]
Yet as science writer Dava Sobel points out in her engaging and delightful new book Longitude, the big breakthroughs in clock construction came in pursuit of seafaring, not social regulation. In the 15th century, when nations began to sail the world's oceans seriously, the greatest obstacle to navigation was the inability to determine longitude (position east-west) at sea. Latitude (position north-south) could be read by observing the apparent motion of the sun. But this technique did not apply to longitude, and as a result the fleets of Europe spent inordinate time and incurred constant loss of life essentially wandering the high seas, trying to figure out where they were.
Minds as famed as Galileo, Newton, and Halley applied themselves to the problem and believed its solution lay in observation of the moon or the satellites of Jupiter. Sobel's tale concerns John Harrison, an obscure English watchmaker from a merchant-class background who believed clocks held the answer. Harrison had to battle the budding English science establishment, which wanted the solution to be based on the glamorous, aristocratic pursuit of astronomy, not the tinkerings of a mere craftsman. Sobel's story is rich with fascinating details both of scientific investigation and the bureaucratic politics of 18th-century England. Longitude is well-timed too, as the new Umberto Eco novel The Island of the Day Before features a protagonist marooned on an 18th-century vessel stocked with bizarre longitude instruments.

1 comment:

  1. for me,tell have many different genius in this world so we proud of them because you have own character in this world
