Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, or Sunday.ans., Yesterday today and tomorrow
- Who Is Socializing U.s. Children?Despite progressive shifts in cultural attitudes regarding the appropriateness of mothers and fathers sharing caregiving activities and involvement with children, only small changes in actual parenting patterns are recorded by existing research completed after 1980. Fathers continue to spend less time than mothers with infants and children in the United States and other industrialized countries. When they are with their children, fathers are more likely than mothers to be involved in play rather than the children's routine maintenance such as feeding and grooming. Fathers also spend a greater amount of time on personal activities, such as watching television and reading, in comparison to mothers. Parenting infants, as opposed to children or teenagers, differs greatly with respect to the common activities and skill utilization parents have the opportunity to employ. Although qualitative changes in parenting are dramatic as children mature, the traditional division of labor between mothers and fathers persists through developmental changes.
Children in America: Effects of Working Parents on Child Development
Americans sacrifice precious time with their child to bring home an income and provide them with the necessities of life. Enforced by American policies and laws, the matters of food, water, and shelter for a family are the only expected gains working parents have within a business-driven culture. Beyond necessities, the provision of strong bonds and relationships between parent and child—integral to a child’s emotional and mental development—are lost. As parental attachment and influence decreases and the amount of time children spend in non-parental care increases in America, children of working parents exhibit lower scores in school readiness and mathematics, decreased emotional aptitude and feelings of security, and increased behavioral problems.
American culture page
Family Tradition-We teach our children about American Culture. We teach them to be good Americans  by sharing our traditions of Citizenship, American Holiday Celebration, Craftsmanship, Entrepreneurship, Competition, Leadership, Know-How, and Positive Attitude.
Our Culture-Beyond the walls of our home lies a great Nation with a culture of its own. The structure of our Government, our laws and the way people relate to each other have great influence on our actions and attitudes. What do you think about when  you hear the words: The United States of America? On our Freedom Page we display the quote "The land of the free, and the home of the brave". Many of us think of that quote, or quotes from the song: "America The Beautiful", like "spacious skies" or "amber waves of grain".
"Only in America"-There is a culture in this country whether spoken or unspoken that manifests itself in everything we say, do, or think. For example, in the United States we expect to compete in every aspect of our lives. At the same time we expect to compete, we also expect to be given equal opportunity to grow to our potential. We believe we all have equal rights under the law. We expect American Industry to put out a quality product and for our Nation to be a leader in the world. Sometimes we even find ourselves "on the soap box" spouting expectations of our Nation's performance or the performance of American Industry not realizing that unless we each live up to these expectations, our Nation and our Industries cannot. Frequently, many of our competing interests and our strong desire to ensure Individual Freedom, result in extraordinary events taking place that can only be explained by the expression: "Only in America".
Pass on our culture to future generations-Whatever our "National" culture may be, many of us depend on our schools and institutions to teach our children. Should we leave this precious part of our children's education just to schools and other institutions? Emphasis and example at home are very important to the development of our children so that our Nation remains strong into the future. What Customs and Traditions do you observe in your family so that you pass on the important aspects of our American Culture essential to our future survival? What kinds of conversations do you have with your children?

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